Sinitic Brushtalk:
Using Classical and Literary Chinese as a Written Lingua Franca
in Premodern East Asia
People in East Asia – today’s China, North and South Korea, Japan and Vietnam – speak very different languages.
Have you ever wondered…
Some highlights
What is brushtalk (also ‘brush conversation’)?
Eight discrete usages of the term 筆談 (Y. Wang 王勇 & Xie 謝詠 2015)
How does it work in the modern world?
Brushtalk in modern setting: Sinitic brushtalk as a sui generis lingua-cultural tradition in Sinographic East Asia
from G. Wang (2015: 50)
‘In my verbal exchange with Master Jao Tsung-I, language is our
greatest communication barrier. My speech is coloured with Shandong
accent, while Master Jao’s is Chaozhou-accented. Age difference is
another factor, as Master Jao is older than me by one generation.
Master Jao being a centenarian with erudite knowledge in Sinology, plus
the huge gap in our vernaculars and scholarly insights, we often rely
on brushtalk in our interaction. A booklet full of
scribbles would often result after our in-depth ‘conversational’
exchange. What is good about it is that plenty of precious materials
are preserved for future reference.’ (our translation)
How does it work in ancient Sinosphere?
An exemplar of a brush-and-ink set designed for travelling literati
adopted from
Transactional communication between shipwrecked foreign seafarers and maritime officials (coastguards) of an East Asian polity
Ryūkyū-Chinese (1882)
問: 乘組人數何拾人。 | C: ‘How many passengers are on board – in multiples of 10?’ |
答: 三十弍、內男二十九人、女三人。 | R: ‘32 people: 29 male and 3 female.’ |
問: 何月何日從與那國島開船。 | C: ‘When did you start sailing from Yonaguni Island?’ |
答: 六月六日。 | R: ‘On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month.’ |
問: 寶船何之有貨物。 | C: ‘What kind of goods are there on this ship?’ |
答: 有米粟。 | R: ‘Rice and grain.’ |
C: a Chinese coastguard
R: a Ryūkyū seaman
Excerpted from 「城間船中国漂流顛末──八重山.一下級士族の生涯よりみた琉球処分前後」竹原房, 1982.7 pp.38−40, Cited in Cen 2014
Transactional communication between shipwrecked foreign seafarers and maritime officials (coastguards) of an East Asian polity
Korean-Japanese (1883)
問: 爾等何國何地方人耶。 | C: ‘Which country and region are you [people] from?’ |
答: 日本國 長門州 阿武郡 鶴江村人耳。 | J: ‘[We are from] Tsurue village, Abu district, Nagato province, Japan.’ |
問: 緣何事、何年何月日、自何處開船、向往何處、何以到此耶。 | C: ‘What was the purpose [of your travel], which year, month and date and from where did you set sail, where were you heading, [and] why ended up here?’ |
答:我等五名、釣魚次、共乘一小船。今年九月二十一日、自本村浦口開船、多日釣魚之中。今月初八日、猝遇大風、不能制船、逐潮盪漾、十五日漂到貴境耳。 | J: ‘We are five people, fishing on a small boat. From the 21st day of the ninth month this year, we set sail from our village and fished for many days. On the eighth day of this month, we encountered strong wind and lost control of our boat amid unruly waves; on the 15th day [the boat was] drifted and landed on your venerable territory.’ |
C: a Chosŏn coastguard
J: a Japanese fisherman
Excerpted from 各司謄録19 全羅途篇 2, cited in Matsuura 2014
Transactional communication between foreign visitors and locals
Japanese-Chinese (1872)
岡田: 上海現今儒醫、其高名者為誰。 | O: ‘What are the esteemed names of well-known practitioners of the Confucian medical tradition in Shanghai?’ |
童: 高者赴京求官、留上海者、未知其高手為誰。恐無其人矣。 | T: ‘The distinguished ones left for Peking to serve at the court; of those who stay in Shanghai, not sure who the esteemed ones are. [I am] afraid there are none.’ |
岡田: 現今天下高名儒醫、其著述新刊、請教。 | O: ‘On the esteemed practitioners of the Confucian medical tradition in China and their recent published works, please advise.’ |
童: 醫則蘇州 葉天士、儒則劉墉官至宰相。 | T: ‘There is medical doctor Ye Tianshi of Suzhou, but also Confucian scholar Liu Yong, [the latter] rose to become Prime Minister.’ |
O: Okada Kousho 岡田篁所
T: Tong Kunyu 童昆玉
Excerpted from 滬呉日記 ‘Shanghai Suzhou Travel Diary’; cited in Liang & Mayanagi 2005
Transactional communication between foreign visitors and locals
Korean-Chinese (1721)
問: 明朝制度尚有流傳者否? | Y: ‘Are there any inherited Ming institutions now?’ |
答: 大同小異。 | P: ‘Mostly the same.’ |
問: 所謂大同小異者,指冠服而言耶? | Y: ‘ “Mostly the same” refers to clothes?’ |
答: 不過車服禮器。 | P: ‘Only carriages, clothes, and ritual vessels.’ |
Y: Yu Tak-Gi 兪拓基, a Chosŏn scholar (1691−1767) asking two Chinese
students while traveling in Peking
P: Peng Tan 彭坦 and Peng Cheng 彭城, who were going to sit for the civil
service examination
Excerpted from 《燕行錄全集》卷三十八 《知守齋集》《辛丑燕行錄》 p. 121
Interactional communication between officials/diplomats discussing formal business
Chinese-Vietnamese (1882)
唐: 順安本局來信,謂貴官另有要件面商,不知是否。 | T: ‘[I] received a letter from the main office of Thuận An, saying that your Esteemed Self have another important matter to discuss face-to-face. Is that true?’ |
阮: 河內省、海防兩處已為法人所佔 (...) 求貴大人代稟李伯相及兩廣督憲,務必憐恤藩封,設法拯救。 | N: ‘Hà Nội and Hải Phòng were occupied by the French already! (...) I beg your honor to help pass this message to Li Boxiang and the Governor of Kwangtung and Kwanghsi. Do have pity on [your] good-neighborly tributary and try to rescue [us]!’ |
唐: 貴官有貴國公文帶來否。 | T: ‘Do your Esteemed Self have any official document from your Esteemed country?’ |
阮: 此等密事,不敢用筆墨,故陳侍郎託貴局周大人函知,俾晚生面陳。 | N: ‘These issues being highly confidential, [we] dared not write [them] down on paper. So Secretary Trần entreated Mr Zhou of your Esteemed Office to inform [you, and] to let me brief [you] in person.’ |
T: Tang Tinggeng 唐廷庚, a Merchants Bureau official
N: Nguyễn Tịch 阮籍, a member of the Hànlín Academy
Excerpted from 《中國近代史資料叢刊續編之中法戰爭》Volume 1, p. 155, cited in Yu & Liang 2013
Interactional communication between officials/diplomats discussing formal business
Korean-Japanese (1881)
三島: 弊邦氣候最好處,爲西京及大坂,如東京則稍寒,易生疾,眞如貴喩。 | M: ‘In our modest country, the best climate [is found in] Kyōto and Ōsaka. Tōkyō is a little too cold, [and so people] easily get sick, indeed as you mentioned.’ |
崔: 此亦受濕所祟耶。 近以齒痛為苦。酒後愈甚 。 | C: ‘It could also be due to humidity. Recently [I] suffer from toothache, [it gets] worse after drinking.’ |
三島: 今日驟暑。請先生脱冠縱談。 | M: ‘Today gets very hot. Please, Master [may want to] remove [your] hat [so as] to talk more unrestrainedly.’ |
C: Choy Sengtay 崔成大, a Chosŏn official
M: Mishima Chuushuu 三島中洲, a Japanese sinologist
Excerpted from 三島中洲・川北梅山・崔成大筆談録, cited in Nishogakusha University Committee 2015:77
Interactional communication between officials/diplomats/scholars engaged in exchange of poetic verses or artistic improvisations
Chinese-Japanese (1905): penta-syllabic quatrain written by Chen Rongchang 陳榮昌 for a painting produced by Takada Tadachika 高田忠周
蘭為王者香 | Orchids exude royal fragrance, |
何事在空谷 | what are they doing in an empty valley? |
佳友結靈芝 | In the company of good friend língzhī, |
千秋播芬鬱 | their aroma transcends a thousand years. |
Cited in Chen 2013
Interactional communication between officials/diplomats/scholars engaged in exchange of poetic verses or artistic improvisations
Vietnamese-Korean (1597)
adopted from
義安何地不安居 | With righteousness in place, any land can become a peaceful habitat. |
禮接誠交樂有餘 | With rites and sincerity in hearts and minds, people will enjoy abundant happiness. |
彼此雖殊山海域 | Despite drastic difference in our lands and seas, |
淵源同一聖賢書 | [our] shared origin is rooted in the same Sages’ literary works. |
交鄰便是信為本 | Trust is the foundation of good-neighborly relations, |
進德深惟敬作輿 | reverence is key to attaining virtue. |
記取使詔還國日 | Ambassador’s repatriation day is on [my] mind, |
東南五色望雲車 | may Providence let peace prevail by bestowing five colors [to Chosŏn] in the Southeast’. |
(Our translation, with interpretation by Han Xiaorong韓孝榮 and Mok Wan-hon莫雲漢 incorporated) |
Excerpted from 《皇越詩選》卷五 黎詩 葉一 馮克寬 〈答朝鮮國使李睟光〉
Example of trilateral brushtalk: Vietnamese-Chinese-Japanese
Between Vietnamese anticolonial leader Phan Bội Châu 潘佩珠, his Chinese contacts – reformist Liang Qichao 梁啓超 and revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen孫逸仙, and Japanese leaders in 1905–1906
“Here [in Japan] Phan Boi Chau sought out Liang Qichao, a refugee from
the wrath of the Emperor Dowager, and has several extended discussions
with him. Their common language was Chinese, but in written form, for
while Phan Boi Chau was able to read and write Chinese his
Sino-Vietnamese pronunciation was unintelligible to his interlocutor.
They sat together at a table and passed back and forth to each other
sheets covered with Chinese characters written with a brush.”
(DeFrancis 1977: 161)
Role of brushtalk in opening of Tokugawa Japan
“I found myself quite an object of interest; and as they set a great
value on Chinese characters and compositions, whenever I went to the
hall of reception many of them were sure to ask me to write on fans for
them. The fans I inscribed during a month while we were at Yokohama
could not be fewer than five hundred. The applications were, indeed,
troublesome, and the writing took up much of my time, but it was
difficult to decline acceding to their pressing requests.”
(Luo 1854: 401; cited in Tao 2005: 104)
What research materials can we make use of?
There is no shortage of primary sources! To name a few:
What is the theoretical significance of Sinitic brushtalk?
Classical or literary Chinese was used as a written lingua franca in premodern East Asia – an age-old lingua-cultural practice
“The welcoming of the visitors from Parhae 渤海 began with an exchange of Chinese poems between Sugawara no Michizane 菅原道真 and the other Japanese hosts and the dignitaries from Parhae. Only when Chinese poetry had been exchanged could formal negotiations begin. Depending on the availability of interpreters, it can easily be imagined that both parties might be compelled to depend on the writing brush as the sole means of conducting negotiations.” (Keaveney 2009:7)
Is the function of Chinese as a written lingua franca in East Asia unique or sui generis?
To our knowledge, no such function has been documented in other historically comparable regional lingua francas such as Latin or Arabic. Part of the explanation for the sui generis written lingua franca function of classical or literary Chinese may be found in the morpho-syllabic, non-alphabetic writing system.
Theoretical significance of Sinitic brushtalk in language contact research
Learning difficulty? Two main linguistic differences
Are there any relevant studies?
Research in English
Denecke (2014: 209)
The greatest advantage of the Chinese script (...) is that it enabled literate people in premodern East Asia to communicate directly in the absence of a common spoken language. Chinese-style writing was the East Asian lingua franca, or we should rather say scripta franca, because unlike elites who wrote and conversed in Latin in medieval and early modern Europe, Chinese-style writing was written language, a grapholect.”
Research in Chinese
Research in Japanese
Research in Korean
Research in Vietnamese
Who are we?
Symposium held by us
Relevant conferences held in the past
Other relevant link
CLEMENTS, Rebekah. 2015. A Cultural History of Translation in Early Modern Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CLEMENTS, Rebekah. 2018. Brush talk as the 'lingua franca' of East Asian diplomacy in Japanese-Korean encounters (17th −19th centuries). Historical Journal. (accessed before 25/11/2018).
DEFRANCIS, John. 1977. Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam. The Hague: Mouton.
FIELD, Fredric W. 2002. Linguistic Borrowing in Bilingual Contexts. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
HANSELL, Mark. 2002. Functional answers to structural problems in thinking about writing. In Difficult Characters: Interdisciplinary Studies of Chinese and Japanese Writing, ed. by Mary S. Erbaugh, pp. 124−176. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University National East Asian Language Resource Center.
HOWLAND, Douglas R. 1996. Borders of Chinese Civilization: Geography and History at Empire's End. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
HUR, Kyoung-Jin, and CHO, Young-Sim. 2016. Aspects of Korea-Japan cultural exchanges analyzed through tongshinsa delegations during the national seclusion period. Athens Journal of History 2.2: 129−136. (accessed before 25/11/2018)
MIZUMURA, Minae 水村美苗. 2015. The Fall of Language in the Age of English, trans. Mari Yoshihara & Juliet Winters Carpenter. New York: Columbia University Press. (Orig. Pub. 2008.)
KEAVENEY, Christopher T. 2009. Beyond Brushtalk: Sino-Japanese Literary Exchange in the Interwar Period. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
TAO, De-min 陶德民. 2005. Negotiating language in the opening of Japan: Luo Sen’s journal of Perry’s 1854 expedition. Japan Review 17: 91−119.
Chinese References:
CHÉN, Yǒukāng 陳友康. 2013. Wǎn-Qīng Chén Róngchāng yǔ Rìběn rénshì de shīgē jiāoliú 晚清陳榮昌與日本人士的詩歌交流 (Late Qīng scholar Chén Róngchāng’s exchange of poetic verses with Japanese friends). "Hànwén bǐtán yǔ yìxiàng Xīhú" guójì xuéshù yántiǎohuì (Hangzhou, September 2013) 「漢文筆談與意象西湖」國際學術研討會 (The international conference on brush conversation in Classical Chinese and impression of Xīhú). (accessed before 26/11/2018)
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WÁNG, Guóhuá 王國華. 2015. Xīnjīng Jiǎnlín: Ráo Zōngyí de Shūfǎ Yìshù 心經簡林:饒宗頤的書法藝術 (Wisdom Path: Jao Tsung-I's calligraphic art). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.
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Japanese References:
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Korean References :
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Last Updated: 6th January, 2019 1:37 ante meridiem